Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye 2013

The Holidays are almost over with only New Year’s Day to come, and boy has this year sped past. It seems like just yesterday I was typing the first words of what would become The Messengers Book One, and now the book is “technically” complete at 87K words. (Beta’s are currently reading, so some things may still change). This year, my second movie Baby’s Mama Club (Originally Coming Correct) was sold to Lionsgate / Grindstone Entertainment. Also, we shot and (mostly) edited The Messengers: Journey of 403 which is a ten-minute short film in the Messengers Universe.  I also met a lot of cool people in two different writing groups here in Atlanta, several new filmmakers, graphic artists, and of course all of the great people at DragonCon. Two-thousand and thirteen has been without a doubt an awesome year.

Hopefully, everyone has used this year to follow their dreams. Because I truly believe there is nothing more important than doing the task that God put inside of you. That task burns bright when you are working and loving every minute of it. For me, it’s writing, directing, meeting people, and just being creative.  I beta read for three people this year, while another thirteen beta read for me. :-) I also learned more about publication and worked through seven drafts of The Messengers Book One. I helped a friend out on a feature film, worked on two short projects, and started work on The Messengers Book 1.5 and Book Two. I read and/or listen to twenty books from various Middle Grade / Young Adult authors, followed blogs of authors going from draft to being published. I discovered lots of wonderful websites about publishing and even made a few Goodreads.com friends. Next year I can only hope to get The Messengers out there for more people to enjoy and see what happens.

I hope 2014 brings everyone success and happiness.  So I’ll send with this quote:
“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.”- unknown

Also here are a few stills from The Messengers: Journey of 403 Short Film to be released in 2014!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Finding Your Audience as a Writer

Just like everyone has a different fingerprint, we all have various opinions and most are not even close to the same. Many arguments are actually over opinion; i.e. the sky is sky blue or deep blue or dark blue. I’m learning as a writer, that readers are the same way. Some may love an idea, while others detest it. Some may enjoy long descriptions while others despise it. One person may enjoy challenging characters while others prefer simple.

Recently, as I generally do from time to time, I went out to read reviews on goodreads.com. And readers opinions on books vary as the colors in a rainbow. In fact, what I started noticing was not so much about the rating of the first book from a series, but rather instead what is the rating after that book.

Writers and Readers are like single people going out on dates. Once someone finds a match they stick with them. I've noticed generally after that first book the rating escalates, because those who enjoyed the first book and the style of the author are back to enjoy the next one. While the others go off to find “other dates.”

As a reader, I've already found several books that I detest, loathe, hate with all my being. Oddly enough (in my mind) others find these to be great, wonderful, creative, and uplifting. I have those books that literally make me want to run to the library and read through the stacks; while other readers would love nothing more than to take the same book and rip it in half and burn the pieces over an open flame. I think this is encouragement to any writer to know that everyone will not enjoy your book. But, instead of worrying about the people who don’t enjoy it, focus on those that do. Find your audience and write for them and yourself.

Something uplifting for the Holidays. Have a good one.