Soon, people were arriving, and we were ushered into a
conference room. Chuck came in and introduced himself and passed out
information on the items he was going to review. He was very thorough speaking
about both Traditional and Non-Traditional publishing (Self-Publishing). He went into the pros and cons of both, listed
resources, and even discussed his own publishing history. He also spoke on
building a platform, networking, and many aspects of the modern author.
In the midst of his lectures, agents received pitches from
new authors. So the formula was five to fifteen minutes before you pitch, you
would get up and exit the conference room. Then you would tell the pitch
organizer that you were there and immediately at the time appointed, you would
enter and give your pitch. Afterward you’d thank the agent and return to your
seat in the lecture.
There were six agents at this particular conference with
four focusing on Middle Grade / YA. This varies among Chuck Sambuchino’s other
conferences. Some lean more toward Romance, others toward New Adult, or what have
you. It seems that many of the agents to these events are local to the area in
which the event occurs, which is both good and bad. It’s great to have local
people, but many times local people may not represent the type of book that you
write. So take this into consideration.
Chuck went over almost everything I had studied online. I’m
an avid researcher. So I knew about 85-90% of what he had to offer which means
that someone who does their research may not get as much out of the
presentation. However, one thing he spoke about that is true is that much of
the information you receive on the Internet is not accurate. It can be
difficult to weed through the tangle of information. So having him to clarify
what was useful and what was not was worth the time and money in my opinion.
Like many workshops, retreats, conferences, he spent an hour
reading twenty or so first pages. Authors were instructed to print out six
copies of their first page and he would read aloud them while the agents read
to themselves. I was lucky enough to get my page read, so it was great for me
to get feedback on my work. (Chuck couldn’t be responsible for any opinions of
agents who spoke either for or against a work.)
However, this is the only area in which I think could be improved. But I
say that lightly because I don’t think that is the purpose of this particular
So in Summary, I give Chuck Sambuchino’s workshops a 9 out
of 10. This is a great workshop for budding authors, those interested in
getting on the publishing road (right before self-publishing or traditional
publishing), those who recently got an agent, and those interested in pitching
to an agent. This workshop is not for those who want to learn more about what
they may be doing wrong in their writing or who want to work out the kinks in
their writing. This is a definite recommend for anyone who is navigating the
publishing world especially those who research very little.
On the Pitch Sessions:
Many workshops and conferences have pitch sessions. I think
the average time is ten-fifteen minutes per pitch. I didn’t enjoy this process
at all. I’m a pretty outspoken guy. While I can have shy spells, I have no
problem in any business-like conversation.
The pitches run like the following: An author walks over and
sits down to speak to an agent. General formalities occur, as in “Hello my name
is…” Afterward, the author recites the pitch/query of their book along with the
word count, series potential, and comparable titles. Then questions are asked
on both sides to see if a possible fit occurs.
The problem I had with the pitches was in the way that it
happens. In my opinion the positioning is too close, the environment was too
open (others around you are pitching as well), and the time limit makes for odd
speed-ups and silences. Also it helps to have a page of information memorized
(i.e. the pitch) which is difficult to do with a person trying to look
interested because they are literally three feet in front of you.
I’ll admit that if I had to do it again, I probably would.
But I’m definitely not looking forward to it, even though I did have one
extremely nice agent who guided me through the process.