This weekend I’ll be attending the Tennessee Writer’s
Workshop. Dragoncon is a different
animal. Yes, it has a writer’s track in it; and yes agents and editors come, but
it’s more panel information. I’m really excited because I’ve never been to just
a writer’s workshop or talked to an agent face to face. After the Tennessee
Workshop, I’ll be going to Big Sur which is a three-day workshop in which they
sit down and analyze at your work. I think both of these will be great for me.
Workshops can be expensive especially if you don’t live
around a central hub like New York or California. In Georgia we get few
conferences and those that are neighboring are a 4 to 6 hour drive. The biggest
problem I’ve personally had is that many of the conferences feature agents that
are into Southern/ Christian Romance or quirky light-hearted MG. THE MESSENGERS
is Middle Grade Sci-Fi which is about as far as you can get from that.
I’m hoping to learn enough to make some changes and then
maybe I can grab an agent that might be interested in a Sci-Fi version of ALEX
RIDER or RANGER’S APPRENTICE. My writer’s group, betas, and other people who
have assisted me think I may be close. But no matter what happens this year,
I’m excited about writing and that my dear readers is the most important thing.
If you’re looking for workshops in your area Vonna Carter
has a great website with links to conferences.
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